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Victor Sorell

Full name

Victor Alejandro Sorell

Alternative names

Victor A. Sorell, V.A. Sorell, Victor Alexander Sorell

Presence at Shimer


Presence on Earth



University of Chicago


University of Chicago


Mount Carroll period alum

Victor Sorell was a student at Shimer College in the Mount Carroll period, listed with the class year of 1966. He completed his degree at the University of Chicago, and became a pioneer in the study of Chicano art history. He joined the faculty of Chicago State University in 1969.

Sorell returned to Shimer to speak on October 21, 2004.[1]



Brief description[]

This brief description is released under the CC0 copyright waiver.

Victor A. Sorell (b. 1944) is a pioneering historian of Chicano art and Distinguished Emeritus Professor at Chicago State University. He is particularly known for his work on Chicago mural art. Sorell has authored, edited and coedited numerous works, including Nuevomexicano Cultural Legacy and Guide to Chicago Murals, and has served as an editor of several journals in the field. He was a founding member and leader of MARCH (Movimiento Artístico Chicano). Sorell studied at Shimer College and at the University of Chicago, where he completed his graduate training in art history. During his decades at Chicago State, Sorell held a number of administrative posts, including Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. (from Shimer College Wiki)


  • Guide to Chicago Murals
  • Nuevomexicano Cultural Legacy: Forms, Agencies, and Discourse (coeditor)
  • [....]

Further inquiry[]


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